Monday, November 2, 2015

"Sanctuary Cities" In Texas

     Today November 5th ,2015 The Texas Tribune posted an article titled Local Battles Brewing Over Sanctuary Cities where they inform us about a new unofficial label called "sanctuary cities" dealing with cities or municipalities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. In result of this issue. Governor Abbot is calling for a new state law to require law enforcement to comply with Federal policy.
     Texas as a state should not adapt this plan of immigration action because once the cities have this control they can use it in their favor.I think immigrants should not have to be separated from their families because of nationality issues but should be helped to become citizens. Canizales states, "I think they shouldn't condemn thousands of undocumented immigrants for one crime that has been committed." Most undocumented immigrants come to the United States to work hard for a better life to support their families. Those are the people that I believe should not get punished for something like that.. As this nation is historically built on immigrants, immigration is rapidly increasing in the United States. According to the CIS immigrant population hits a record of  42.1 million in the second quarter of 2015. Deporting immigrants won't change anything, there should be other ways to fix this issues if possible.
     The Austin City Council and the Travis County Commissioners Court have approved a limit to Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton on the amount of cooperation he has with federal authorities. Meaning he will have more control and power over the jails. This would mean that Austin would be added to the list of "sanctuary cities". This can go both ways because if the city has this type of control it can either increase deportations or decrease them. Austin is a liberal city as known but has the highest deportation rates in Texas. The article shows that many Sheriffs from different cities in Texas are either lenient or strict when it comes to immigrants and they should decide who stays or who leaves.

1 comment:

  1. The issue of Sanctuary cities and their plan to have more control on immigration rules is in bad taste. This shows an intention of the said cities in using the laws as they wish, and disadvantage many immigrants who may not be having any issue to do with the immigrants, whose only aim is to work for the betterment of their lives, and that of their families. In essence, the history of the larger United States is such that the immigrants were very vital in its progress. Therefore, it will be wrong to punish them, when they do not have an outright offence.

    What the sanctuary cities have in mind is that they will bring heaven by having more control on the immigration rules. That is not the case. They would not change anything at all, because, the people they are targeting are not the problem. They will therefore not be at a position of solving the issues they have. It is therefore wrong to have such a thought, simply because you are in power.

    Factually speaking, the intention of the cities in coming up with such rules is not because there is something is because of some selfish interests, where they want to put the immigrants at their mercy, so that they can use them as they wish, and if they feel they are not useful any longer, then they can dump them without any accountability to anyone. This means that the rules seek to demean the immigrants, and make them lesser people in the cities in question. The writing therefore is on the wall, and if there is any sensible leader, this should not happen.
