Monday, November 30, 2015

English Is Not The Only Language In Texas!
  As we know America as a whole is an immigrant country actually since the beginning its been like this. Now the U.S ranks highest with around a million immigrants moving here.In Texas it is estimated that 1.68 million immigrants live in the state. After California, Texas has the second highest number of undocumented immigrants who reside here. Leading to a much greater population in the states, this is causing a rise in the language spoken at home. According to a Texas Tribune article titled As Texas Grows, More Languages are Spoken at Home Spanish is the number one secondary language spoken, with 6,983,380 people. Of the nearly 24 million people in Texas five years or older, 65 percent speak only English at home. The rest speak more than 160 languages combined. Latin American immigrants rank highest in Texas but recently the share of Asian immigrants has doubled from 17.3 percent in 2005 to 40.4 percent  in 2013.
     Bexar, Harris, Dallas, Tarrant and Travis are some of the largest populated counties in Texas where we see a change of language over the years. Bexar County has the largest share of residents who speak Spanish at home, while Tarrant and Travis counties have the smallest shares. Catherine Bingaman the church director of ESL education states, "People tend to think when we say ESL class, ‘Oh, you have people from Mexico,’” but Spanish-speakers only make up a fourth of the students". Meaning that Mexicans are not the only immigrants as most people think. There's people from Europe, Asia and the Middle East who come across many barriers to live in what they call a dream nation. Seeking for freedoms and rights all humans deserve.
     This is why I believe that Texas should support bilingual education around the state. It is never bad to be able to speak a foreign language and knowing two of the most popular languages would be ideal. According to Psychology Today over the years there's been a drastic change in bilingualism. As president Obama stated "You should be thinking about .... how can your child become bilingual. We should have every child speaking more than one language".
     In conclusion as Texas keeps growing so does the culture that we have. More and more languages are being spoken at home as well as in schools, banks, and other public places. Even to the extend that in many jobs they require bilingual potential employees. In this case with language and communication we see that it is essential in some places to know Spanish and English because of the rise of speakers in the state. A diverse state is the way to go and thus far it is heading that way.

Monday, November 16, 2015

College Students With Guns?

      On August 1,2015 all state 4- year college and universities students would be allowed to obtain a concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry their loaded, concealed weapon in these buildings. This bill was passed and titled "Campus Carry" according to a post by Vanessa a colleague who explained with detail plenty of reasons why this bill is absurd and can possibly open the doors to further problems in campuses.
     Allowing guns/weapons in colleges and universities period is not reasonable to me and to the author of the post "Is Texas Crazy" because it puts more people in danger. She did an excellent job in reminding us all that ones brain is not fully developed until the age of 25 and clearly college students do not fall in that range. Meaning "legal adults" (ages 18+) are allowed to make adult decisions, without a full mature brain. Much less if you give them the right to carry a gun around. Also Vanessa wrote about how stressful and exhausting it is to be in college and to have to deal with a personal life all at once. It is as if you are in a competition in life trying to survive and be successful to be the best. All that stress can cause somebody to act without thinking as to commit a crime or something greater.
   The blog was well written and went straight to the point. The information posted was beneficial to me and to many others who I am sure can relate even if they don't agree. It gave me a stronger outlook on this issue and believe should be amended.The evidence given helped understand why she agreed or disagreed with this issue.
     In conclusion, she gave good factual evidence towards her thoughts. I completely agree that taking the law into ones hands is not the right direction to have safer campuses. This can lead to even bigger massacres when more than one person is carrying guns. I personally do not feel safe at all by this bill. This is why I can relate to the author when she says it is a fear that will follow us for the rest of our lives.

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Sanctuary Cities" In Texas

     Today November 5th ,2015 The Texas Tribune posted an article titled Local Battles Brewing Over Sanctuary Cities where they inform us about a new unofficial label called "sanctuary cities" dealing with cities or municipalities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. In result of this issue. Governor Abbot is calling for a new state law to require law enforcement to comply with Federal policy.
     Texas as a state should not adapt this plan of immigration action because once the cities have this control they can use it in their favor.I think immigrants should not have to be separated from their families because of nationality issues but should be helped to become citizens. Canizales states, "I think they shouldn't condemn thousands of undocumented immigrants for one crime that has been committed." Most undocumented immigrants come to the United States to work hard for a better life to support their families. Those are the people that I believe should not get punished for something like that.. As this nation is historically built on immigrants, immigration is rapidly increasing in the United States. According to the CIS immigrant population hits a record of  42.1 million in the second quarter of 2015. Deporting immigrants won't change anything, there should be other ways to fix this issues if possible.
     The Austin City Council and the Travis County Commissioners Court have approved a limit to Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton on the amount of cooperation he has with federal authorities. Meaning he will have more control and power over the jails. This would mean that Austin would be added to the list of "sanctuary cities". This can go both ways because if the city has this type of control it can either increase deportations or decrease them. Austin is a liberal city as known but has the highest deportation rates in Texas. The article shows that many Sheriffs from different cities in Texas are either lenient or strict when it comes to immigrants and they should decide who stays or who leaves.