Friday, December 11, 2015

 Comment on "what is choice?"

On November 30, Min Kim wrote a blog regarding self induced abortions. In the article, Kim first states the many reasons why women even consider abortions. As I read she gives plenty of factual an statistic evidence of the rise of abortions in Texas. She gladly gives her opinion on this case as many women can relate and say that it is ones choice to do or not to do. This topic is very controversial and that is why it has become such a big deal. In Texas is is very hard to get an abortion due to the poor amount of clinics that actually do this process. Then after that you still have a chance to be denied the right to do so that is why many women are taking this matter on their own hands.
There are many risks when women have self induced or at home abortions as Kim states, it can even be life threatening but desperation leads as many as 100,000 to 240,000 to do such a thing. 1.7% of women have had these dangerous abortions that kill the fetus inside ones body. Not being economically stable is the number one reason why women tend to use off the counter ulcer drugs and many other actions to get rid of a pregnancy.
Stating whether women should stop or continue to do this would be judging and as Min Kim says this matter completely belongs to whom ever is going through the situation. As a women I can understand how at times it is very hard to juggle many things at once but a child is a very important event in ones life even if the life they live is not the best. I do absolutely agree that every women should have a choice.   

Article What is Choice by Min Kim